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Welcome to Writing from the edge




“There are poets who sing you to sleep and poets who ready you for war and I want to be both.”

- Ashe Vernon



I am a nomadic writer, interested in roots and belonging.

My obsession with maps led to developing cartographic poetry, which aims to redraw the maps.
To do that, I center my work around narratives of uncivilisation and decolonisation.

I like to write from the edges – either of the Irish cliffs I park my campervan too close to or from the edges of multiple truths.

I have published in Ireland, the UK, the US, Australia, Germany, and Poland.   

My last book, Secret of the Dictator’s Wife, explores power, resistance, and compliance dynamics.


“To those devoid of imagination a blank place on the map is a useless waste;

to others, the most valuable part.”

ʉۥ Aldo Leopold, A Sand County Almanac and Sketches Here and There


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